• The elephant or its rider --who guides who and who makes the decisions

Driven To Distraction*

14 Dec 2016

Deliberately distracting survey participants isn’t generally good research practice. And people investigating shopper behaviour don’t often start by spraying a store with perfume But these are a couple of the techniques we’ve been using at BrainJuicer to overcome one of modern marketing’s greatest – and most stimulating – challenges: making market research reflect what psychologists now know about how people really make decisions.

  • Counterintuitive marketing

Counterintuitive Marketing*

01 Jun 2016

Michael Lieberman, President of Multivariate Solutions, a market research and political consulting firm in the USA, explains what counterintuitive marketing is and provides several examples.

  • Mystery Shopping isn’t going away!  It has an invaluable role to play!

The value of Mystery Shopping in the Big Data era*

08 Dec 2015

As technology continues to develop at a rapid pace, an ever-growing number of customer feedback opportunities are within reach of the majority of businesses. In the age of Big Data, it’s become commonplace for businesses to glean real-time information about the experience of their customers electronically.   

However, while Big Data may have earned recognition for helping operators gauge overall brand health, the critical micro-data feed is increasingly in danger of being overlooked. 

  • It’s the consumer stupid; go find out what real people are up to!

The Price of Convenience: The sense and nonsense of listening to consumers*

06 Nov 2015

Questioning ordinary people’s contribution to marketing is akin to Pussy Riot challenging Putin’s rule in a church – it’s heresy. Yet neuropsychology, behavioural economics and more recently Byron Sharp suggest that our notion of consumer-centricity and what it means to ‘listen’ to people are based on a naïve concept of human beings and the world we live in.

Think like a Respondent to Improve Survey Data Quality*

01 Oct 2015

We’ve come a long way in the practice of survey research in terms of understanding and managing sources of error such as scale usage bias, but an accumulation of research into the unobservable cognitive processes that come into play when respondents answer survey questions shows that crafting survey questions that reliably elicit the information we think we are asking for is no easy matter. In fact, the survey question may be the weakest link in the chain of components that comprise the typical quantitative market research study.

  • TV show formats are a great innovative idea to design qualitative research

Who Said Research is Boring? *

09 Sep 2015

Every contact point a researcher gets with a consumer represents a huge opportunity to explore and discover new consumer truths. Yet at the same time it is getting increasingly difficult to maximise the moments of engagement with the growing breed of disengaged consumers. Living in an age of instant gratification and unbridled hedonism conventional market research is seen by the man on the street as excruciatingly boring.
