Mystery Shoppers in business - TV interview

In conditions of growing competition, companies strive to achieve higher customer satisfaction. One way is to use the "mystery shopper". The service is in demand among a wide range of companies - banks, car dealerships, mobile operators and others. This is a method for assessing the quality of the service of employees. Mystery Shoppers visit different commercial outlets, looking for certain services, and share their impressions in specially-designed questionnaires. More and more companies want the study to include additional requirements in order to help employees’ preparation; customers who will provoke staff with their behavior. The aim is to increase the effectiveness of training, through real situations.

A mystery shopper notices and remembers many details of his visit - cleanliness of the facility, compliance with company standards and quality of service. Subsequently he answers specific questions objectively in a specially-developed online system. A very important element is the feedback which the companies’ guarantors receive - a detailed report containing the conclusions of the study and recommendations on what to emphasize in training employees.

Anyone can be a mystery shopper, if he has the desire and if he is able to observe and remember details.

Watch the whole interview for Bulgaria On Air TV (in Bulgarian) with Client X's senior researcher Juliana Goranova.

Juliana Goranova explaining what mystery shoppers do and what the business benefits are.
